Not giving up - My adventure to happiness


At the moment my anxiety has been pretty bad to the point it's a big effort to get out the house and do things! Last Saturday, I was desperate to get out the house and go shopping. I geared myselfl up and even though I was very anxious I thought to myself "I'm just going to go for it, what's the worst that could happen?" well I got halfway their panicked. turned back and came home, I felt sick, dizzy and had lost all my energy and motivation - now I know the title is about not giving up and I know I did then but the following Tuesday I got up again and did it! I went shopping and felt amazing for it, the first attempt obviously wasn't the right time but I didn't give up on the idea and tried again!

This motivated me so much that for the rest of the week I felt a lot more positive I had more energy to do things!

I went for another shopping trip on the Thursday with my Mum's friend with no hesitation and found the perfect outfit for a blogging event i'm going to tomorrow (Saturday 8th August). I felt I had loads more confidence in getting out the house and doing the things I used to enjoy so much!

Lastly, today I had a great time meeting a new friend, walking around my local town having some amazing conversations about whether pigeons have tongues! followed with some delicious food and some more random conversations! Time's like this I thought I'd never have anymore just allowed me to have fun and forget all about my anxieties!

This post is my first proper post on my 'adventure to happiness' up until then I had no energy or motivation, even getting out of bed was a struggle.This week has been a big step for me with my anxiety, I feel more positive about overcoming this hurdle in my life, and am hopefully motivating some of you guys to keep trying and don't give up on the things you want to do! It may take you more than two attempts to get somewhere but once you do it, I promise it will feel amazing!

PocketFullOfDaisys xx

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