25 facts about me


So when I started my blog I didn't really have in mind what sort of things to post and just got excited to write something so posted random things and am still getting my head around blogging! I'm in the process of making a schedule of when I will post and have decided it will be a mixture of beauty, health and life as my main aim is to blog my adventure to happiness overcoming anxiety and
depression :)

 So as a little 'get to know me post' here is 25 random facts about me:

 1. I'm quite a shy person, but when I get to know people you can't shut me up!

 2. I have 2 rabbits, one called Jerry and one called Brenda (The RSPCA named her!)

 3. For my 13th Birthday my Mum and her 2 friends did a surprise performance of 'Dancing Queen'  from ABBA in front of all my friends (Embarrassing is an understatement)

 4. At school my best friend and I would go into the girls toilets before school started and style our hair the same

 5. I have an obsession for candles and am automatically drawn to them in the shop - if my mum ever loses me she just looks for the candle section and i'll be there!

 6. I prefer odd numbers to even numbers - this drives people mad!

 7. I used to do Trampolining and trained weekly and started to do competitions but then tore the ligaments in my knee so had to stop :(

 8. I broke the same bones in my foot on the same day as David Beckham jumping off the handles of our slide - I bragged about it for weeks thinking I was so cool

 9. My favourite food is avocados and could eat them for every meal :)

10. I love baking cupcakes and doing fancy swirly icing - yum yum

11. I have a fear of pigeons, ever since I had a dream that one licked my finger - weird I know can pigeons even lick?

12. My favourite Disney character is Tinkerbell as I love that she has a naughty side to her

13. The thought of Cruella Deville from 101 dalmatians gives me the creeps, I was forever having nightmares about her!

14.  Christmas is my favourite time of year as everyone's so merry and I love decorating the house all festive and cute :)

15.  I'm a real worrier and like everything to be organised and don't do well with change!

16.  I don't drink Alcohol as i'm yet to find one I actually like the taste of and feel you can have fun without the influence of alcohol!

17. My favourite flowers are Daisy's hence the name of the blog!

18. I was once on the front of my local leisure centers leaflet looking like a drowned rat - thought I was famous though!

19. My favourite perfume is Marc Jacobs 'Daisy' - would literally wear it for the rest of my life!

20.  I have a real aversion to coleslaw - the thought of it makes me cringe!

21. I have recently discovered I can do a mean elephant impression ;)

22. My family mean the world to me :)

23. My everyday wardrobe is quite fancy and I often get asked if i'm going out somewhere nice when i'm really just lounging around the house!

24. I love shoes and am known for it - is that a bad thing?

25. Lastly, i'm a vegetarian and always have been - my mum turned veggie when she nearly ran over a frog and felt really bad for it!

Hope you enjoyed reading my '25 random facts' and that you don't think i'm too crazy!

PocketFullOfDaisys xx

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