It's ok to take a step back -My Adventure to Happiness
After a busy week the previous week and attending the incredible Southampton Bloggers Event, I was exhausted! For a few weeks, I had barely got out the house and done anything so it was a bit of a shock to the system getting out and doing stuff everyday and pushing my anxiety!
On the Sunday after the blogging event, I was exhausted and feeling a bit shaky after pushing my anxiety so much so I took a step back and relaxed! This relaxing went on for the next few days! Now after a busy period, It is ok to take that step back and give your body a rest from everything especially if you suffer from any illness, physical or mentally.
After a few days of 'taking a step back' I perked up a bit and was able to do things again :) On Thursday I went out shopping with my Mum then had a nice evening having a meal out and watching a film with a close friend. This was tiring but I enjoyed it and felt my body was more relaxed and able to cope with the pressure of my anxiety.
On the Friday I met a friend for coffee and actually cycled into town as I didn't have my car which was another big step as I like to have the comfort of my car! In the afternoon I did some baking for my Brother and Fiances engagement party on the Saturday - more to come on this!
Lastly on the Saturday I did some unexpected babysitting in the morning which was tiring but enjoyable, then did more baking and helped my mum with the preparation for the party.
The party, which I will write another on another post was a success and really good fun! Before people arrived I was getting really anxious but was soon able to relax!
So for the next couple of days I think it will be sitting back again, regaining my energy to be able to conquer the rest of the week!
The 'moral' of this post is respecting your body. Giving your body a rest when you've pushed it and not feeling bad and 'guilty' for giving yourself the well deserved rest it needs to keep on fighting. It may be hard to come around to this way of thinking, I still struggle with the guilt but It's what you've got to do sometimes :)
Any one else conquered challenges this week?
PocketFullOfDaisys xx